Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Baseball. LOTS of baseball...

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Extreme Makeover Home Edition

Friday, February 20, 2009
The Wedding Date
I CAN'T WAIT!!! It's going to be so wonderful. We have put down the deposit to hold the date at the church, so now we get to start our counseling sessions. Time is really flying by! I'll update more after work with some more details. Have a good Friday!
Monday, February 16, 2009
David is home!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Montgomery Living
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
Taylor. AKA - the cutest kid EVER!

My Birthday!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
The Alphabet Game

4. HOUNDSTOOTH!! Of course, I had to find a way to sneak my Alabama Football into this list!! I love houndstooth! I love to see guys wear a houndstooth hat with Bama polo shirt, or girls wear houndstooth shoes with a red dress. I love to see the houndstooth print stand out in a sea of red on game day. I LOVE LOVE LOVE houndstooth. :)

5. Honeysuckle. Is that weird? I don't care if it's weird, I love it. You know how certain smells can just take you back to a place in time? And it's like the world just kinda stops spinning for a half-second, and you are right back where you were the first time you smelled that certain thing? Well, honeysuckle does it for me. the driveway at my parents house was lined with honeysuckle when I was a little girl. Every time I catch a whiff of the stuff, I'm right back there again riding my bike and playing in the yard. Oh the memories! :)

6. Hot Tubs! Don't you just love them? I think there is no explanation necessary!
7. Humor. And really, I mean a good sense of humor! I consider myself to be a pretty witty person, and I love it when people can keep up with my quick wit! I also love to watch humorous movies. I love to hear kids and babies laughing. And I absolutely love it when you get so tickled, you start belly laughing and just can't stop. I'm talking about the stomach-hurting, crying kind of laughing. That's the good stuff. This is me belly laughing on my birthday because the waiter got whipped-cream in my nose. It was quite funny.

8. Honey-BBQ Wings! Yummmmmy.

9. Hydrangeas! These are for sure my favorite flower! As you probably already know, I'll be using them in the wedding!10. My "Homies"! Haha, Yes, it's a stretch to use that letter. I know. But I love my friends! These are my girls. Jennifer. Amanda. Jill. Jessi. Sonya. They are all a part of my favorites list! I can't imagine where I'd be now without these girls. They have all at some point picked me up when I was down, helped me dust myself off, and kicked me in the butt! They are the best! They have ALL also given me more belly laughs than one person deserves in a lifetime!

Now, you have my 10 things I love. Want to play along? Leave me a comment, and I'll give you a letter!
Monday, January 26, 2009
I do not have a case of the Mondays!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Centerpiece Idea
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
On a lighter note!
Well, David and I had a good discussion last night about "the budget". The wedding budget has been shrunk. Again. But that's okay! I'm going to make the best of it with what we've got. We aren't doing things like you're "supposed to". Neither of our last names are Hilton, so our families won't be footing the bill for this wedding - WE will. I think it's kind of a good way to kick off our marriage, though. He is MAKING me stay on a budget, and I'm going to show him I can do it! That's gotta be good practice for our future finances, right? I just hope everything can be as beautiful as I had hoped. And hopefully nobody is expecting too much!! :) It certainly won't be the party of the century on the budget we are having, but I think that the people that truly care about us won't mind. I'm praying that everyone will just be glad to see us finally tie the knot after 7 years! I guess we could just forego all the cost of a wedding and head over to the courthouse, but it's important to me to say our vows in front of our friends and family. After all this time together, we want everyone to see us make it official! Well, I'm off to bed now. Goodnight to all!
I will also start by saying that I did not personally vote for President Obama. I am not a Democrat, therefore I voted on the conservative side.
Having said that - I pose a question: Why must some people be SO small-minded that they cannot see past the man's color? All day today I have heard many crude and racist comments directed toward the First Family. Things that I will not repeat for fear that someone may scan quickly through this post and think that I would EVEN DARE to say such hateful and ridiculous things. Personally I thought President Obama's speech was moving. I felt blessed to be able to watch something so historical & amazing. For the first time in our nation's history a black man took the oath of office for President. I was moved to tears when I watched the clips of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream" speech. One particular person being interviewed this morning said that she woke her small children up the morning after the election and told them that while they were sleeping Martin Luther King's dream came true. I was so touched by that. But unfortunately some people can't seem to grasp the fact that the Civil Rights Movement was a GOOD THING!! Dr. King said that his dream was for every man to be judged NOT by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character. Unfortunately I didn't see that today. I saw far too many people judging President Obama ONLY by the color of his skin. I would hope that if someone didnt vote for Obama it was because they didn't agree with his views (i.e. the content of his character.) Not just because he is a black man. I'm not saying that everyone should like him, but I AM saying that I think everyone should respect him. Personally, I would have voted for a purple-polka-dotted man had he been that candidate that I shared the same views with. I am just disgusted by some things I have heard said today. I hope that the people who are so judgemental realize that they too will be judged one day, and the Good Lord does not care what color we are.
I have high hopes for the new President. I have hope that he can pull our country out of this economic crisis. I have hope that he will bring change to America. And even though I didn't vote for him, I'm proud of him.
PS - If I hear someone say one more time that the Bible says the Anti-Christ will be Muslim, I'm going to scream. It doesn't say that. If someone out there can show me the Bible verse that says that, PLEASE, by all means - send it to me. I am not claiming to be a Bible scholar by ANY means. But I'm 99% sure that the Islam religion wasn't even in existence when the Bible was written. But PLEASE feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Just another day in paradise!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Cakes & Colors

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Feeling the Burn
Friday, January 2, 2009
New Years
Blair and I enjoying a Hurricane in the Quarter.
Dave and Ronald also enjoying the Hurricanes!
David and I before we left to go out.
Ronald proposed to Blair at the stroke of midnight! It was so sweet! The fireworks were so loud I couldn't' hear anything he was saying. She was so shocked she almost knocked the ring right out of his hand! And the poor guy was so nervous he put the ring on her pinkie! :) I'm so happy for the two of them, and I'm so glad Ronald asked us to be there for the big moment. They are such sweet people and I wish them the best!
After the RIDICULOUSLY long walk back to the parking deck, we finally made it home just in time to see a pretty bad car wreck in front of Dave's apartment. Luckily nobody was hurt. A girl was drinking and driving and passed out at the wheel. She crossed over into oncoming traffic, took out a light pole and a Mazda. THEN she tried to leave the scene. It was pretty scary stuff. New Years Eve held some exciting stuff for me! I hope all my friends had a fun & safe night, and I hope 2009 holds happiness for all!