Friday, January 16, 2009

Just another day in paradise!

Today was truly just another day. Slept too late, was atleast 15 minutes late for work, didn't get my coffee until 10am. The usual hurry hurry hurry of every morning. I miss David a lot today. Some days are worse than others and I'm not sure why?!? I just wish he was here. We could just leave the dirty dishes in the sink and snuggle up and watch TV. That would be so nice. Instead I'm going to wash all the dirty dishes, sweep the floor, go to wal-mart, wash clothes, and do all the other crap that needs to be done. BLAH!! All I wanna do is cuddle - it's too cold for anything else!! I can't wait to be able to come home from work and just see him there. I'm sure it won't be "rainbows and butterflys" everyday, but that's okay. I'll be okay with just every once in a while if that's what I can get!! Well, I'm off to wash those damn dishes now...


  1. Congratulations on your engagement! Jess told me about it a couple of weekends ago. I'm glad I came across your blog. I am ADDICTED to blogging! I'll add you to my blog list, so I expect lots and lots of updates about the wedding!!

  2. I completely can understand what you are talking about. I always miss Sean, but some days it's so much worse. I was watching Juno tonight and lost it because that song " Anyone but you" was playing and thats the song we always say we are going to karoke. Stupid huh?
