HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE! I'm currently in New Orleans to celebrate the New Year. I got here Wednesday about 7:00 pm and David and I went downtown about 9:30 to enjoy the festivities. We payed a RIDICULOUS amount of money to park and I cut my finger before we ever made it out of the parking deck.
Apparently there was some sharp plastic on the door handle that I didn't see and it sliced my finger pretty good. I had to wrap my hand in a
Wendy's bag...it looked like some sort of crime scene. :) We finally made it down to Canal Street where I was able to get some band-aids and fix my finger. I have GOT to be the clumsiest girl on Earth. We walked all around the French Quarter for a while and we were SURROUNDED by
Bama and Utah fans who were down here for the Sugar Bowl. Of course the redneck in my came out and I had to show my
Bama Pride to everyone! We met up with David's friend Ronald and his girlfriend Blair, and we headed over to Jackson Square to watch the "ball drop". The ball was actually a 10 foot flour-d
lis on top of
Jax Brewery. Then we watched an amazing fireworks show at midnight. Unfortunately the camera does not take good pictures at night so you just had to be there to enjoy the fireworks and the ball drop. It was mind numbing cold right on the water of the Mississippi River. I couldn't feel my hands by the time we left!!

Blair and I enjoying a Hurricane in the Quarter.

Dave and Ronald also enjoying the Hurricanes!

David and I before we left to go out.
Ronald proposed to Blair at the stroke of midnight! It was so sweet! The fireworks were so loud I
couldn't' hear anything he was saying. She was so shocked she almost knocked the ring right out of his hand! And the poor guy was so nervous he put the ring on her
pinkie! :) I'm so happy for the two of them, and I'm so glad Ronald asked us to be there for the big moment. They are such sweet people and I wish them the best!

After the
RIDICULOUSLY long walk back to the parking deck, we finally made it home just in time to see a pretty bad car wreck in front of Dave's apartment. Luckily nobody was hurt. A girl was drinking and driving and passed out at the wheel. She crossed over into oncoming traffic, took out a light pole and a Mazda. THEN she tried to leave the scene. It was pretty scary stuff. New Years Eve held some exciting stuff for me! I hope all my friends had a fun & safe night, and I hope 2009 holds happiness for all!
I hope you had a wonderful New Years!! We need to hang out once you get back, since I am now a war bride and have no life! :) I even updated my blog 3 times!!