Monday, January 12, 2009


Sunday was the first "weigh-in". I lost 5 lbs! I also lost an inch off my waist and an inch off my big butt! :) I am very proud of myself! Cutting the caffeine has been the hardest part, but I'm doing okay! Don't get me wrong - I am craving it REAL BAD. I had a dream last night that I drank the biggest damn Dr. Pepper you've ever seen, and it was soooooo gooood... Oh well, I guess I'll have to settle for dreaming about caffeine instead of actually tasting it. Maybe next week I'll have lost a few more inches, and I won't be so worried about what I can't eat & drink anymore! My goal is to have more proportioned measurements. Right now, my huge backside is about 10 inches more than I would like it to be, but not for long.... :) I'm also taking weekly photos to really view the progress. Don't get too excited...those pictures will NEVER be seen by anyone but me. And my wonderful sister, the photographer!

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