4. HOUNDSTOOTH!! Of course, I had to find a way to sneak my Alabama Football into this list!! I love houndstooth! I love to see guys wear a houndstooth hat with Bama polo shirt, or girls wear houndstooth shoes with a red dress. I love to see the houndstooth print stand out in a sea of red on game day. I LOVE LOVE LOVE houndstooth. :)

5. Honeysuckle. Is that weird? I don't care if it's weird, I love it. You know how certain smells can just take you back to a place in time? And it's like the world just kinda stops spinning for a half-second, and you are right back where you were the first time you smelled that certain thing? Well, honeysuckle does it for me. the driveway at my parents house was lined with honeysuckle when I was a little girl. Every time I catch a whiff of the stuff, I'm right back there again riding my bike and playing in the yard. Oh the memories! :)

6. Hot Tubs! Don't you just love them? I think there is no explanation necessary!
7. Humor. And really, I mean a good sense of humor! I consider myself to be a pretty witty person, and I love it when people can keep up with my quick wit! I also love to watch humorous movies. I love to hear kids and babies laughing. And I absolutely love it when you get so tickled, you start belly laughing and just can't stop. I'm talking about the stomach-hurting, crying kind of laughing. That's the good stuff. This is me belly laughing on my birthday because the waiter got whipped-cream in my nose. It was quite funny.

8. Honey-BBQ Wings! Yummmmmy.

9. Hydrangeas! These are for sure my favorite flower! As you probably already know, I'll be using them in the wedding!10. My "Homies"! Haha, Yes, it's a stretch to use that letter. I know. But I love my friends! These are my girls. Jennifer. Amanda. Jill. Jessi. Sonya. They are all a part of my favorites list! I can't imagine where I'd be now without these girls. They have all at some point picked me up when I was down, helped me dust myself off, and kicked me in the butt! They are the best! They have ALL also given me more belly laughs than one person deserves in a lifetime!

Now, you have my 10 things I love. Want to play along? Leave me a comment, and I'll give you a letter!
Oh, girly, your list could SO be MY list! Glad you had fun playing along. :)
ReplyDeleteYou crack me up!! I love the Houndstooth one!
ReplyDeleteYou can get with Jill and give me a letter!!