Well, it's 4:00 in the morning, and I'm WIDE awake. Earlier today, I was asked to volunteer for the Extreme Makeover house, and I gladly accepted. My co-worker Heather and I had the midnight - 4 am shift, and it really wasn't too bad! And now, thanks to 4 cups of coffee, I can't go to sleep!! We were in charge of the food/catering. We lovingly named it "The Westside Grill". We fed all the volunteers and the Home Makeover team hamburgers, hot dogs, polish dogs, grilled chicken, baked beans, mac & cheese, and LOTS of sweets and goodies. Everyone was in very good spirits!! We also got a sneak peek at the house, and it is GORGEOUS. Keep in mind, this neighborhood is not the best in town, so the house looks a little out of place, but I'm sure the family will be more than pleased. I wish I would have brought my camera, but instead I'll steal a pic from the Montgomery Advertiser's website. This was taken around lunch Saturday, and believe it or not, by the time I got there at midnight MUCH more has been done. All the siding is up, and almost everything is painted.

It truly is amazing how quickly a house can come together. The floors were being finished when we left about 3:30 am, and the sod was also being layed. Mostly all that's left to do is landscaping, cleaning, and getting furniture moved in. I'm so glad I got to take part in helping out the Jordan family, and I can't wait to see the finished product. The show will air on ABC on April 18th, so tune and you might get to see me on TV!! :) I'm going to try to catch some zzzz's now, and hopefully get up in time for church tomorrow. Goodnight!