Well, I was asked to be the "Team Mom" for Taylor's baseball team! It is a much bigger job than I ever expected, and I've literally been doing nothing but baseball for about 2 weeks now! It's okay though, I'm glad I get to be such a big part of Taylor's life before I move in October. I'm going to miss him terribly. We went to the Auburn vs. Alabama baseball game tonight at the Biscuits stadium, and we had a lot of fun! Auburn won 8-7, but we still had a good time. I can't wait to see Taylor wearing that crimson and white uniform. I have high expectations for him, but that boy was born to play baseball!
I haven't had much time to work on wedding stuff with all this baseball going on, but invitations are picked out!! WOO HOO! David's mother has graciously offered to make our invitations for us, and they are EXACTLY what I've been wanting. I personally think her talent could put Martha Stewart to shame!! :)

I couldn't have picked anything out of magazine that I would have liked better than these! I just love them! I'm so grateful that my future mother in-law is crafty (and sweet)!! Well, that's all for now. I'll update more next week - hopefully more wedding news! Goodnight!